5 writing techniques to succeed in your hooks

Imagine instantly captivating your readers, getting them to immerse themselves in your content from the first words. In a digital world full of information, hooks are the key that unlocks the door to attention. Whether you are a brand creator, a marketing professional or a website owner, the five writing techniques below will guide you to create impactful hooks. By the end of this article, you will know how to retain and engage your target audience.

What is a hook?

In marketing, the hook is the element intended to capture the reader's attention or the audience from the first moments. Like the first note of a captivating melody, it grabs your attention and makes you want to hear more.

The hook finds its playground in various areas, whether in the titles of blog articles, advertisements, speeches, etc. On the web, where Internet users' attention is fleeting, the hook becomes a powerful weapon.

Writing techniques to know

There are many writing techniques for creating a successful hook. Here are 5 you absolutely need to know!

1. Focus on the dark side of words

In all published publications, there is a tendency to always focus on the positive side, in the hope of maximizing the effects on the target audience. But a little novelty and departure from the general rule never hurts. On the contrary, this bold strategy may pay off. So, also show the dark side: like what would happen if your customers did not purchase a particular product or service.

For example :

Tagline with words with positive connotations

Transform your evenings with our folding spa for a foot bath, relaxation and well-being guaranteed!

Tagline with words with negative connotations

End a long, painful day with the Folding Foot Bath Spa!

In the second example, you position your product as the ideal solution to avoid an undesirable scenario. This hook reinforces its perceived value in the eyes of the Internet user.


2. Highlight the benefits of your services or products

In this part, it is advisable to say in writing your hook, the contribution or the most that the service or product provides you. Your customer is not interested in the features of your product. What motivates him is himself. Focus on advantages and the benefits that it provides. What specific problem does your product or service solve? How does it improve or beautify the daily life of your target? Use your empathy and positive emotions. By stimulating the imagination of your potential customers, you create a memorable user experience and will more easily establish yourself an emotional connection. Result ? The positive perception of your brand will only be reinforced. For example :


A day cream formulated with natural ingredients.

Benefit highlighted

Reveal the natural beauty of your skin with our cream inspired by the treasures of Provençal nature.

With this technique, you will not only make readers curious to read your post, but also encourage conversions.

3. Use powerful words to make a difference

To captivate your audience and give impact to your writing, use impactful words. Remember, every word counts in written communication. Choose terms that resonate with your target audience to make your messages more persuasive and elicit reactions.

Eliminate empty and unnecessary words

Eliminate words that add no value with specific terms that accurately describe your ideas.

Some examples of words to avoid:

  • thing that's to say ?
  • fast When ?
  • very imprecise and unnecessary
  • good, interesting, important, etc.

Replace weak verbs

Replace dull verbs with strong verbs (or action verbs) that breathe energy into your sentences.

For example, replace:

  • “help” by “support”;
  • “do” by “create”;
  • “find” by “discover”;
  • “allow” by “favor”;
  • , etc.

Use adverbs sparingly. Always prefer short words to long words.

Adopt the vocabulary of the 5 senses

Do you find your texts bland? Awaken the different senses of your readers with sensory words. Remember, Internet users cannot see or test your products. This is why writing with the five senses makes sense! Give them the opportunity to plan, help them make a choice, take action (click on your hook).

For example :

Discover our freshly ground Arabica coffee with captivating aromas of roasted hazelnuts.

Use magic words

Know this, words trigger emotions. We also talk about “magic words” in marketing.

For example, here is a list of impactful words that you can integrate into your hooks:

magnetic, exclusive, unique, innovative, error, easy, zero hassle, exclusive offer, exceptional, 100 % refunded, best sellers, simple, new, etc. Handle with care and finesse!


4. Add the magic numbers

In the world of digital marketing, there are magic numbers that can be a game-changer for your strategy. Selim Niederhoffer, recognized as a distinguished expert in copywriting, addresses this subject in an unparalleled manner in his work “The copywriting guide”.

Indeed, figures are capable of turn your readers into followers, when others should be avoided.

Examples of the persuasive power of numbers:

  • The “7 steps” to...: odd numbered lists, such as “7 steps to achieve a goal”, are perceived as more persuasive.
  • The “100 %”: using round numbers conveys a feeling of completeness and exhaustiveness.
  • The “24 hours”: Urgency is often associated with numbers related to time, which can prompt rapid action.

5. Formulate your hook in the form of a rhetorical question

This is a writing technique that involves asking a question to which the answer is obvious.

For example, instead of:

“Our product is the best”

You could formulate the following rhetorical question:

“Don’t you deserve a product that simplifies your daily life? »

In this way, you engage the reader to think about your own needs. And you arouse their interest to read the rest of the content!

And above all, avoid unnecessary advertising hooks

It's good to write advertising hooks that impact and attract readers, but some should be avoided. Indeed, some website owners use them in the belief that they will pique the curiosity of Internet users and lead them to read the entire article. Unfortunately, these teasers don't give readers any useful information and may even encourage them to skip. Even though your content contains everything they aspire to!

What you must remember

In the digital world saturated with information, writing careful hooks awakens the desire to continue reading. The 5 recommended writing methods are:

  1. Focus on the dark side of words: highlighting the negative aspects of a situation to capture attention, such as highlighting the consequences of not using a product or service.
  2. Highlight the benefits of your services or products: focus on the tangible benefits of your services or products, rather than on its characteristics.
  3. Use powerful words: avoid empty words, replace weak verbs with strong verbs, use the vocabulary of the five senses and integrate magic words to reinforce the emotional impact.
  4. Use magic numbers: Incorporate numbers like odd-numbered lists, percentages and time markings to intensify persuasion.
  5. Formulate your hook in the form of a rhetorical question: ask an obvious question that engages the reader to think about their own needs and makes them want to read more.

Don't miss the opportunity to attract your target audience. Start writing with impact today!

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